Lake Austell/Lake Austell Trail

Lake Austell, at 85 acres, made headlines when a 15-pound, 12-ounce largemouth bass was hooked from its waters at Village Creek State Park, along Arkansas Highway 284, between Wynne and Forrest City. For more than 25 years, Austell has provided a steady yield of big Florida-strain largemouth bass. Since 1987, dozens of over-eight-pound bass have been caught in this lake. Bream, crappie and catfish are also popular catches.

The lake is featured on one of the many trails through Village Creek State Park.  From the visitor center, Lake Austell Trail meanders along steep, hogback ridges and through a wooded stream valley to Lake Austell, then continues to the picnic area. Allow an hour or more for a leisurely hike through a variety of terrain. The trail is moderately steep in places and allows great views of typical Crowley's Ridge topography and the rich forest diversity of the park.

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Village Creek State Park, Wynne, Arkansas
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